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Lewis-H KULLER, disc. ; H. BAS BUENO-DE-MESQUITA ; V. BENETOU ; Göran BERGLUND ; S. BINGHAM ; Heiner BOEING ; Marianne CANONICO ; Francoise CLAVEL-CHAPELON ; John DANESH ; P. FERRARI ; Edith FESKENS ; Agnès Fournier ; Carlos-Alberto GONZALEZ SVATETZ ; D.E. GROBBEE ; G. HALLMANS ; C.M. IRIBAS ; Majken-Karoline JENSEN ; Soren-Paaske JOHNSEN ; Rudolf KAAKS ; T. KEY ; K.T. KHAW ; M. KUMLE ; Nerea LARRANAGA ; Jakob LINSEISEN ; E. LUND ; G. MASALA ; A. MATTIELLO ; O. MELANDER ; W.M. MONIQUE VERSCHUREN ; T. NORAT ; Anja OLSEN ; Kim OVERVAD ; Salvatore PANICO ; Tobias PISCHON ; Jose-R QUIRO ; E. RIBOLI ; A. RODDAM ; C. SACERDOTE ; C.N. SANCHEZ ; Maria-José SANCHEZ PEREZ ; Rodolfo SARACCI ; S. SIERI ; G. SKEIE ; N. SLIMANI ; Simon THOMPSON ; Anne TJONNELAND ; D. TRICHOPOULOS ; A. TRICHOPOULOU ; R. TUMINO ; Y.T. VAN DER SCHOUW ; N. WAREHAM ; Cornelia WEIKERT ; P. WENNBERG |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS 4o8R0xui. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. EPIC-Heart is the cardiovascular component of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC), a multi-centre prospective cohort study inv[...]Article
A. TRICHOPOULOU ; C. BAMIA ; V. BENETOU ; S. BINGHAM ; H. BOEING ; P. BOFFETTA ; M.C. BOUTRON-RUAULT ; H.B. BUENO-DE-MESQUITA ; M.D. CHIRLAQUE ; F. CLAVEL-CHAPELON ; C. GONZALEZ ; J. HALKJAER ; J.H. JANSSON ; T. KEY ; K.T. KHAW ; N. LARRANAGA ; J. LINSEISEN ; G. MASALA ; C. MORENO ; T. NORAT ; M.C. OCKE ; P. ORFANOS ; K. OVERVAD ; V. PALA ; S. PANICO ; P.H. PEETERS ; T. PSALTOPOULOU ; E. RIBOLI ; S. ROHRMANN ; C. SACERDOTE ; M.J. SANCHEZ ; E.B. SCHMIDT ; E.A. SPENCER ; A. TJONNELAND ; D. TRICHOPOULOS ; R. TUMINO ; Y.T. VAN DER SCHOUW ; B. VAN GUELPEN ; M.N. VERCAMBRE ; C. WEIKERT ; Centre for Nutrition and Health. National Institute for Public Health and the Environment. Bilthoven Utrecht. NLD ; Institut Gustave Roussy. Equipe E.3.N. - (E.P.I.C.). Inserm. Paris. FRA ; Nutritional Epidemiology. German Cancer Research Center. Heidelberg. DEU |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS 6R0xT3Q5. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Mediterranean diet is associated with lower incidence of coronary heart disease, and two randomised trials indicated that it improves prognosis of coronary patien[...]Article
A. KARAKATSANI ; S. ANDREADAKI ; V. BENETOU ; I. DIMITROULIS ; K. KATSOUYANNI ; D. TRICHOPOULOS ; A. TRICHOPOULOU ; Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology. University of Athens. Medical School. Athens. GRC |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS JWLR0xwU. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Chronic pulmonary diseases are a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The present study is a case-control study nested in a defined cohort, undertake[...]Article
M. BELECHRI ; E. PETRIDOU ; D. TRICHOPOULOS ; Department of Epidemiology. Harvard. School of Public Health. Boston. USA ; Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology. Athens University Medical School. Athens. GRC |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS ToR0xqs8. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Objective : To depict the magnitude and spectrum of childhood injuries attributable to falls from bunk beds in comparison with conventional beds and to outline so[...]Article
M. BELECHRI ; S. KEDIKOGLOU ; E. PETRIDOU ; D. TRICHOPOULOS ; Sports Injuries'European Union group. EUR |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS 6paER0xt. Diffusion soumise ... autorisation]. Since sports participation entails the risk of injuries that account for substantial morbidity and disability, the existence of adequate epidemiological informa[...]Article
E. PETRIDOU ; A. SKALKIDOU ; M. STAPPA ; D. TRICHOPOULOS ; Y. TSOUFIS ; Center for Research and Prevention of Injuries. Athens University Medical School. Athens. GRC ; Department of Epidemiology. Harvard School of Public Health. Boston. MA. USA ; Hellenic Road Traffic Police Department. GRC |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST Sln8R0xl. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Objectives. This study assessed the effectiveness of a comprehensive campaign to increase seat belt use inAthens. Methods. In 1996 as survey focusing on seat belt use [...]Article
A. TZONOU ; P. LAGIOU ; D. TRICHOPOULOS ; A. TRICHOPOULOU ; V. TSOUTSOS ; Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology. University of Athens Medical School. Goudi. Athens. GRC ; Department of Nutrition and Biochemistry. National School of Public Health. Athens. GRC |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST FHR0xRYV. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. The authors investigated the association between dietary iron intake and risk of coronary heart disease by means of a case-control study conducted in Athens, Greece, i[...]Article
C.C. HSIEH ; P. LAGIOU ; L. LIPWORTH ; C.S. MANTZOROS ; L.B. SIGNORELLO ; D. TRICHOPOULOS ; Department of Epidemiology and Harvard Center for Cancer Prevention. Harvard School of Public Health. Boston. MA. USA |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST oMR0xA5O. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. This study examines the relationship between a series of epidemiologic parameters (age, height, body mass index (BMI), smoking, alcohol consumption, and coffee drinkin[...]Article
K.J. ROTHMAN ; H.O. ADAMI ; D. TRICHOPOULOS ; Department of Epidemiology. Harvard School of Public Health. Boston MA. USA |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST dQR0x71c. Diffusion soumise à autorisation].Article
E. PETRIDOU ; N. DESSYPRIS ; E. TOLMA ; D. TRICHOPOULOS ; Center for Research and Prevention of Injuries among the Young Cerepri Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology. Athens University Medical School. Goudi. Athens. GRC |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST eKOW0R0x. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Background. During the 20-month period September 1993 to April 1995, a health education injury prevention programme focusing on home injuries among the young ( 18 year[...]Article
K. KATSOUYANNI ; C. GNARDELLIS ; Barry-M MARGETTS, éd. ; Pirjo PIETINEN, éd. ; E. POLYCHRONOPOULOS ; Elio RIBOLI, coor. ; E.B. RIMM ; D. TRICHOPOULOS ; A. TRICHOPOULOU ; Department of Epidemiology. Harvard School of Puhlic Health. USA ; Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology. University of Athens Medical School. Athens. GRC ; Department of Nutrition and Biochemistry. Athens School of Public Health. Athens. GRC |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST JR0xWDOv. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Background. We evaluated the reproducibility and relative validity of a 190-item semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) to be used in a large prospective[...]Article
L. BERNSTEIN ; L. LIPWORTH ; R.K. ROSS ; D. TRICHOPOULOS ; Univ Southern California school medicine. Dep preventive medicine. Los Angeles CA. USA |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST a9R0xoY0. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. To date, no study has attempted to correlate hormone levels between successive pregnancies in the same woman. Serum levels of total estradiol and total free estradiol [...]