Détail de l'auteur
Auteur Laboratory for Integrative Lifespan Research. Department of Psychology. Faculty of Social Sciences. University of Victoria. Victoria. BC. CAN |
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Sean-Ap CLOUSTON ; Paul BREWSTER ; Rachel COOPER ; Rebecca Hardy ; Scott-M HOFER ; Diana KUH ; Marcus RICHARDS ; RUBIN (Marcie-S) : USA. Section of Social and Behavioral Sciences. College of Dental Medicine. Columbia University. New York. NY. ; WALLACE (Robert-B) : USA. College of Public Health. The University of Iowa. Iowa City. IA. ; Laboratory for Integrative Lifespan Research. Department of Psychology. Faculty of Social Sciences. University of Victoria. Victoria. BC. CAN ; Mrc National Survey of Health and Development. Institute of Epidemiology and Health Care. University College London. London. GBR |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS 9lHR0xmn. Diffusion soumise à autorisation].