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Auteur Graduate School of Public Health. San Diego State University. San Diego. CA. USA |
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James-F SALLIS ; Kelli-L CAIN ; James-E CHAPMAN ; Terry-L CONWAY ; FRANK (Lawrence-D) : CAN. School of Community and Regional Planning. University of British Columbia. Vancouver. BC. ; KERR (Jacqueline) : USA. San Diego State University. University of California. San Diego. CA. ; SAELENS (Brian-E) : USA. University of Washington and Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center. Seattle. WA. ; Donald-J SLYMEN ; Department of Psychology. San Diego State University. San Diego. CA. USA ; Graduate School of Public Health. San Diego State University. San Diego. CA. USA ; Lawrence Frank & Company. Print Robert. WA. USA |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS 9IR0xBr9. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. There is growing interest in the relation of built environments to physical activity, obesity, and other health outcomes. The purpose of the present study was to [...]