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Childhood socioeconomic circumstances and adult height and leg length in central and eastern Europe.
E. WEBB ; M. BOBAK ; N. CAPKOVA ; D. DENISOVA ; R. KUBINOVA ; KUH (D.) : GBR. The Mrc National Survey of Health and Development. Department of Epidemiology and Public Health. University College London. London. ; S. MALYUTINA ; M. MARMOT ; A. PAJAK ; A. PEASEY ; R. TOPOR-MADRY ; Centre for Environmental Health. National Institute of Public Health. Prague. CZE ; Department of Epidemiology and Population Studies. Jagiellonian University. Krakow. POL |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS rpBR0xCt. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Background : Adult height and leg length have been shown to be positively associated with childhood socioeconomic circumstances in several studies in western popu[...]