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Auteur R. TALAMINI |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (4)

N. SCHMEISSER ; A. AGUDO ; W. AHRENS ; V. BENCKO ; S. BENHAMOU ; C. BOUCHARDY ; P. BRENNAN ; C. CANOVA ; D.I. CONWAY ; M. HASHIBE ; C. HEALY ; I. HOLCATOVA ; K. KJAERHEIM ; P. LAGIOU ; A. LAGIOU ; R. LOWRY ; G.J. MACFARLANE ; T.V. MACFARLANE ; M. MARRON ; B.E. MCCARTEN ; P.A. MCKINNEY ; A.D. MCMAHON ; F. MERLETTI ; H. POHLABELN ; J. POLESEL ; L. RICHIARDI ; L. SIMONATO ; R. TALAMINI ; A. ZNAOR ; Bremen Institute for Prevention Research and Social Medicine. (B.I.P.S.). Bremen. DEU ; Department of Hygiene Epidemiology and Medical Statistics. University of Athens Medical School. Athens. GRC ; Faculty of Medicine. Dental School. University of Glasgow. Glasgow. GBR ; Frist Faculty of Medicine. Institute of Hygiene & Epidemiology. Charles University Prague. Prague. CZE ; Nhs Nss Isd. Edinburgh. GBR ; Unit of Cancer Epidemiology. CeRms and University of Turin. Turin. ITA |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS J9ItR0xs. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. The aim of this study was to explore associations between social mobility and tumours of the upper aero-digestive tract (UADT), focussing on life-course transitio[...]![]()
A. TAVANI ; S. FRANCESCHI ; S. GALLUS ; C. LA VECCHIA ; E. NEGRI ; R. TALAMINI ; Centro di Riferimento Oncologico. Aviano. ITA ; Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche'Mario Negri'Milan. ITA |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST DDLR0xyi. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. The relationship between smoking habit and risk of colon and rectal cancers was considered in a case-control study conducted between 1991 and 1996 in six Italian cente[...]![]()
F. BARBONE ; L. BARZAN ; A. CARBONE ; A. FAVERO ; S. FRANCESCHI ; G. FRANCHIN ; R. TALAMINI |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST QSzQR0x8. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. We conducted a follow-up study of 380 incident cases of cancer of the oral cavity, pharynx, or larynx, who had been included in a previous case-control study. Informat[...]![]()
F. BARBONE ; E. CONTI ; R. Filiberti ; S. FRANCESCHI ; C. LA VECCHIA ; M. MONTELLA ; R. TALAMINI |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST WYMAR0xg. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Background. High socioeconomic status and migration to a higher risk area have been linked to increased breast cancer risk. To evaluate the occurrence of breast cancer[...]