Du 18/11/2021 au 18/11/2021
2021/11/09 - Human rights for all ages: Promoting a lifecourse approach and intergenerational cooperation to combat ageism
[Repérage web - Evénement] - 18 novembre 2021 -
AGE Platform Europe - The international conference will be live-streamed
Human Rights for all ages: Promoting a lifecourse perspective and intergenerational cooperation to combat ageisem
We all want to live a quality life in our old age but often forget the growing challenges faced by the older population. One of these is ageism, which appears in the form of stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination against older persons. Too often it remains overlooked, even invisible, yet it has many negative consequences on people's quality of life and experience of ageing.
Prepared during the Slovenian Presidency to the Council of the European Union in cooperation between the Slovenian Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, AGE Platform Europe and the Federation of Pensioners’ Associations of Slovenia (ZDUS)
Interpretation will be available in English and Slovenian.