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E. SAMOLI ; R. ATKINSON ; E. CADUM ; K. KATSOUYANNI ; A. LETERTRE ; A. PALDY ; J. PEKKANEN ; L. PEREZ ; C. SCHINDLER ; J. SCHWARTZ ; G. TOULOUMI ; A. ZANOBETTI ; Departement of Hygiene Epidemiology & Medical Statistics. University of Athens. GRC |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS CEDCR0xI. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Background : The temporal pattern of effects of summertime ozone (03) in total, cardiovascular and respiratory mortality were investigated in 21 European cities p[...]![]()
A. ANALITIS ; M. BACCINI ; F. BALLESTER ; A. BIGGERI ; L. BISANTI ; E. CADUM ; B. FORSBERG ; P.G. GOODMAN ; A. HOJS ; K. KATSOUYANNI ; U. KIRCHMAYER ; P. MICHELOZZI ; J. SUNYER ; P. TIITTANEN ; Department of Epidemiology Local Health Authority Roma E. Rome. ITA ; Department of Hygiene. Epidemiology and Medical Statistics. Medical School. University of Athens. Athens. GRC ; Department of Statistics G Parenti. University of Florence. Florence. ITA |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS kE97R0xn. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Weather-related health effects have attracted renewed interest because of the observed and predicted climate change. The authors studied the short-term effects of[...]![]()
A. KARAKATSANI ; S. ANDREADAKI ; V. BENETOU ; I. DIMITROULIS ; K. KATSOUYANNI ; D. TRICHOPOULOS ; A. TRICHOPOULOU ; Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology. University of Athens. Medical School. Athens. GRC |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS JWLR0xwU. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Chronic pulmonary diseases are a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The present study is a case-control study nested in a defined cohort, undertake[...]![]()
Short-term effects of particulate air pollution on cardiovascular diseases in eight European cities.
A. LE TERTRE ; R. ATKINSON ; J.G. AYRES ; A. BELLINI ; A. BOUMGHAR ; B. FORSBERG ; K. KATSOUYANNI ; S. MEDINA ; P. MICHELOZZI ; E. SAMOLI ; J. SCHWARTZ ; J. SUNYER ; J.M. VONK ; Department of Hygiene-Epidemiology. Athens. GRC ; Environmental Health Unit. Notional Institute of Public Health Surveillance. FRA |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS T01HHR0x. Diffusion soumise ... autorisation]. Study objective : As part of the APHEA project this study examined the association between airborne particles and hospital admissions for cardiac causes (ICD9 3[...]![]()
K. KATSOUYANNI ; C. GNARDELLIS ; Barry-M MARGETTS, éd. ; Pirjo PIETINEN, éd. ; E. POLYCHRONOPOULOS ; Elio RIBOLI, coor. ; E.B. RIMM ; D. TRICHOPOULOS ; A. TRICHOPOULOU ; Department of Epidemiology. Harvard School of Puhlic Health. USA ; Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology. University of Athens Medical School. Athens. GRC ; Department of Nutrition and Biochemistry. Athens School of Public Health. Athens. GRC |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST JR0xWDOv. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Background. We evaluated the reproducibility and relative validity of a 190-item semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) to be used in a large prospective[...]![]()
G. TOULOUMI ; L. BACHAROVA ; L. BISANTI ; K. KATSOUYANNI ; A. PONCE DE LEON ; A. PONKA ; P. QUENNEL ; D. RABCZENKO ; J. SCHWARTZ ; C. SPIX ; A. Tobias ; J.M. VONK ; Denis Zmirou-Navier ; Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology. University of Athens Medical School. Athens. GRC |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST 9rCNR0xs. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. The Air Pollution and Health : a European Approach (APHEA) project is a coordinated study of the short-term effects of air pollution on mortality and hospital admissio[...]![]()
K. KATSOUYANNI ; F. BALDUCCI ; T. BARUMANDZADEH ; William Dab ; et al. ; G. LAHAM ; P. Ritter ; J. SCHWARTZ ; C. SPIX ; G. TOULOUMI ; Short term effects of Air Pollution on Health : a European Approach collabarative group. (A.P.H.E.A.). Athenes. GRC |The APHEA project was initiated and funded in the framework of the European Community Environment 91-94 Programme. Its main objective is to provide quantitative estimates, using standardised methods, of the short term effects of air pollution in[...]