Détail de l'auteur
Auteur Paul-V EFFLER |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (3)

A. CHRISTIAN WHELEN ; Matthew-J BANKOWSKI ; Amelia CHAN ; Paul-V EFFLER ; . FRANCES POUCH DOWNES, éd. ; Glenn FURUYA ; Karen HIGA ; Stacey HONDA ; Terrie KOYAMATSU ; Diane KUMASHIRO ; Roland LEE ; Nathaniel MOORE ; John-C RIDDERHOF, éd. ; Robert UEKI ; Clinical Laboratories of Hawaii. Ewa Beach. HI. USA ; Diagnostic Laboratory Services and The Queens Medical Center. Honolulu. HI. USA ; John A Burns School of Medicine. University of Hawaii. Honolulu. HI. USA ; Kaiser-Permanente. Honolulu. HI. USA ; State Laboratories Division. Hawaii State Department of Health. Pearl City. HI. USA |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS R0x9AnpC. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Objective. We integrated multicenter, real-time (RTi) reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) screening into a statewide laboratory algorithm for[...]![]()
Lara-E LASHER ; Pauli-N AMORNKUL ; Tracy-L AYERS ; Paul-V EFFLER ; Michele-N NAKATA ; Hawai'i Department of Health. Disease Investigation Branch. Honolulu. HI. USA |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS R0xD0419. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. On May 21,2000, a passenger with measles traveled from Japan to Hawai'i on a seven-hour flight. When the flight landed, the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) Qua[...]![]()
Athmanundh DILRAJ ; Kate CUI ; Paul-V EFFLER ; Marcia NAGAO ; Judeth STRAIT-JONES ; Steven TERRELL-PERICA ; Epidemiology Branch. Hawai'i State Department of Health. Honolulu. HI. USA |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS 9yxzPR0x. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Objectives. The authors assessed a statewide school-based Hepatitis B (HepB) vaccination program for preadolescents in Hawaii over three consecutive school years.[...]