BDSP5 Thésaurus > Géographie politique > Monde > Europe > Iles Britanniques > Royaume Uni > Grande Bretagne > Pays de Galles
Pays de Galles |
Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (156)
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Les approches de bien-être étudiées, avec leur cadre de référence et les indicateurs de bien-être s’y rattachant, consistent en des instruments de politique pour l’ensemble de l’appareil gouverne[...]![]()
Health Politics in Europe: A Handbook is a major new reference work, which provides historical background and up-to-date information and analysis on health politics and health systems throughout [...]![]()
Depuis une décennie se développent à l'international des outils de prévision d'évènements relatifs au système de soins, tels que l'hospitalisation non programmée ou l'entrée dans un Ehpad. Loin d'être d'obscures statistiques, il s'agit d'outils [...]![]()
[BDSP. Notice produite par IRDES R0x9or79. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Cette publication témoigne, au moyen d'études de cas, de l'expérience acquise en matière d'approches participatives e[...]![]()
Clara MUKURIA ; John BRAZIER ; Health Economics and Decision Science. ScHarr. University of Sheffield. Sheffield. GBR |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS rr7lR0x9. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. The economic evaluation of health care technologies employs a standard economic approach based on preferences to provide utility information. Previous studies hav[...]![]()
Simon MARK MURPHY ; Natalia HOUNSOME ; Pat LINCK ; Graham MOORE ; Laurence MOORE ; Larry RAISANEN ; Rhiannon TUDOR EDWARDS ; Nafees UD DIN ; Nefyn Williams ; Centre for Health Economics and Medicines Evaluation. Institute of Medical and Social Care Research. Bangor University. Bangor. GBR ; Decipher. Cardiff School of Social Sciences. Cardiff University. Cardiff Wales. GBR ; North Wales Centre for Primary Care Research. Bangor University. North Wales Clinical School. Wrexham. GBR |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS 9R0xFkqt. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Background The Wales National Exercise Referral Scheme (NERS) is a 16-week programme including motivational interviewing, goal setting and relapse prevention. Met[...]![]()
John GALLACHER ; BAYER (Antony) : GBR. Department of Geriatric Medicine. Cardiff University. Cardiff. ; BEN-SHLOMO (Yoav) : GBR. School of Social and Community Medicine. University of Bristol. ; Peter ELWOOD ; FISH (Mark) : GBR. Department of Neurology. Musgrove Park Hospital. Taunton Somerset. ; Janet PICKERING ; Department of Primary Care and Public Health. Cardiff University. Cardiff. GBR |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS JoItFR0x. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Background Benzodiazepine use is widespread in older people, although its benefit is uncertain. Aim To investigate the long-term effect of benzodiazepine use upon[...]![]()
D. GUNNELL ; CHANG (S.S.) : TWN. Ju Shan Hospital. Taoyuan. ; D. DORLING ; J.A.C. STERNE ; B. Thomas ; B. WHEELER ; Department of Geography. University of Sheffield. Sheffield. GBR |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS p7B7R0x9. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Background Suicide rates changed considerably in men aged![]()
[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS ApR0xF8s. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Using data for England and Wales during the years 1840-2000, a negative relation is found between economic growth - measured by the rate of growth of gross domest[...]![]()
Samuel THOMAS CREAVIN ; Antony BAYER ; Yoav BEN-SHLOMO ; Shah EBRAHIM ; Ann FEHILY ; Mark FISH ; John GALLACHER ; Janet PICKERING |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS R0xntmpA. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. To examine the hypothesis that caloric intake in mid-life is associated with later dementia or cognitive impairment not dementia (CIND). A prospective cohort stud[...]![]()
LEON (David-A) : GBR. Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. London. ; MOSER (Kath-A) : GBR. Office for National Statistics. London. |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS R0xr8HAE. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Background The mean birth weight of offspring of Bangladeshi, Indian and Pakistani women tends to be among the lowest of any ethnic groups regardless of country o[...]![]()
BLOMGREN (Jenni) : FIN. Research Department. The Social Insurance Institution of Finland. Helsinki. ; GRUNDY (Emily) : GBR. Centre for Population Studies. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. University of London. London. ; Seppo KOSKINEN ; Pekka Martikainen ; Department of Health. Functional Capacity and Welfare. National Institute for Health and Welfare. Helsinki. FIN |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS 7qq9R0x9. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Background Little is known about the effects of long-term marital history on mortality, and the relative importance of using marital history instead of baseline m[...]![]()
Helen-K GREEN ; ANDREW (Nick-J) : GBR. Statistics Unit. Health Protection Agency. London. ; BICKLER (Graham) : GBR. Health Protection Agency South East. London. ; Richard-G PEBODY ; Department of Respiratory Diseases. Health Protection Agency. London. GBR |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS 8mR0xB9m. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Background A Heat-Health Watch system has been established in England and Wales since 2004 as part of the national heatwave plan following the 2003 European-wide [...]![]()
Kate-D RICKETTS ; Carol-A JOSEPH ; LEE (John-V) : GBR. Water and Environmental Research Unit. Health Protection Agency Centre for Infections. Colindale London. ; Paul WILKINSON ; Department of Social and Environmental Health Research. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. London. GBR ; Respiratory Diseases Department. Health Protection Agency Centre for Infections. Colindale London. GBR |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS D7rCR0x8. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Background The source of infection for most sporadic cases of Legionnaires'disease remains unknown. This study aims quantify the relationship between cases and we[...]![]()
B.G. ARMSTRONG ; Z. CHALABI ; B. FENN ; S. HAJAT ; S. KOVATS ; A. MILOJEVIC ; P. WILKINSON |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS AR0xCCtr. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Background It is well known that high ambient temperatures are associated with increased mortality, even in temperate climates, but some important details are unc[...]