Résumé :
Health impacts are studied as part of the social impacts of dams which includes the impact on peoples’ livelihoods, health, social systems, and culture. The health issues associated with these projects are complex and, according to Sleigh and Jackson, require the establishment of an appropriate expert panel equipped with adequate resources commensurate with the overall investment in the project in order to optimize the health of populations affected by the building of large dams. The actions undertaken should be integrated into a broad public health context, including consideration of the social context and the continuation or development of new economic activities for displaced persons. Furthermore, our analysis should contribute to reduce the “10/90 gap”, here the 6/94 gap in health researchmeaning that 6% of health impact assessment literature are realized on developing countries remaining 94% in developed. This paper summarizes the methodological aspects of the health impact assessment of dams and describes an application in a case of the construction of a large dam in Southeast Asia.