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Auteur DepartmErasmus Mc. ent of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. Rotterdam. NLD |
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M.P.W.A. HOUBEN ; J.M. BIRCH ; COEBERGH (J.W.W.) : NLD. Comprehensive Cancer Centre South. Eindhoven. ; MCNALLY (R.J.Q.) : GBR. School of Clinical Medical Sciences (Child Health) and School of Population and Health Sciences. University of Newcastle Upon Tyne. Newcastle. ; C.C. TIJSSEN ; C.M. VAN DUIJN ; DepartmErasmus Mc. ent of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. Rotterdam. NLD ; Royal Manchester Children's Hospital. Cancer Research Uk Paediatric and Familial Cancer Research Group. Manchester. GBR ; St Elisabeth Hospital. Department of Neurology. Tilburg. NLD |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS NUR0xK13. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. We previously showed that infectious exposures may be involved in the aetiology of adult glioma, by analysing for space-time clustering using population-based dat[...]