Détail de l'auteur
Auteur DeKalb County Board of Health. Center for Public Health Preparedness. Decatur. GA. USA |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (1)

Murtaza CASSOOBHOY ; Paul-T CANTEY ; Darren-F COLLINS ; Carlos DEL RIO ; Christopher-J IVERSON ; Kathleen-J MINER, éd. ; Pam REDMON, éd. ; RUDNICK (Judith-R) : USA. John A Burns School of Medicine. University of Hawaii. Honolulu. HI. ; TOOMEY (Kathleen) / éd. : USA. Division of Public Health. Georgia Department of Human Resources. ; Scott-F WETTKRHALL ; DeKalb County Board of Health. Center for Public Health Preparedness. Decatur. GA. USA ; Emory University School of Medicine. Department of Medicine. Atlanta. GA. USA ; Emory University. Rollins School of Public Health. Emory Academic Center for Public Health Preparedness. USA |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS UR0xRCzh. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. While awareness of bioterrorism threats and emerging infectious diseases has resulted in an increased sense of urgency to improve the knowledge base and response [...]