Résumé :
[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS j8ZmR0xE. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Objectives. Experiences of abuse increase the risk of psychiatric morbidity in women. This study assesses the prevalence of intimate partner violence and minor psychiatric morbidity and analyzes their association among aboriginal women in Taiwan. Methods. Using system random sampling, 840 aboriginal women between the ages of 18 and 50 years old were recruited from four townships with aboriginal communities in southern Taiwan. Trained primary care nurses interviewed the participants at home by structured questionnaire. Results. One hundred twenty-six of 840 (15%) of the aboriginal women had experienced physical abuse perpetrated by an intimate partner (her husband or cohabitant) during their lifetime ; 10.1% had experienced it during the past 12 months ; 4.0% had experienced sexual abuse by the partner ; and 6.3% had experienced physical abuse during childhood at the hands of one or both parents. Multiple logistic regression revealed that after adjusting for women's age, alcohol and drug use, religious activity and husband's employment status, the experience of abuse (including partner physical abuse, partner sexual abuse, and childhood physical abuse) was significantly associated with suicidal ideation and depression. Conclusions. Health care professionals need to provide adequate support and health education, develop interventions, and use referrals in primary care in the community in order to reduce and prevent domestic violence against aboriginal women in Taiwan.