Résumé :
[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS nFrOR0xH. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Objectives : Mental illness is associated with physical illness and mortality from a variety of causes including cancer. There is little information on screening attendance among the mentally ill population. An audit was conducted of a breast screening service in inner London to determine uptake rates in women with mental illness. Design : Cross sectional data linkage study of the local screening register and patients of the local psychiatric units. Screening uptake rates in all patients, those with a history of multiple detentions in hospital, and those with psychosis were compared with the local reference population. Setting : Women in three inner London boroughs. Participants : Screening records for 933 psychiatric patients and 44 195 women without mental health problems aged 50 to 64 years. Main results : Overall, psychiatric patients v/ere as likely as the reference group to attend breast screening. Patients with a history of multiple detention were significantly less likely to attend (OR=0.40,0.29 to 0.55 ; p<0.001), as were patients with a diagnosis of psychosis (OR=0.33,0.18 to 0.61 ; p<0.01). Increasing age, a history of detention in hospital, and social deprivation remained independent predictors for non-attendance. Conclusion : Women with severe mental health problems may be less likely to attend national screening programmes such as breast screening, and action should be taken to overcome the barriers to attendance.