Détail de l'auteur
Auteur EZZATI (Majid) : USA. Department of Population and International Health and Department of Environmental Health. Harvard School of Public Health. Boston. MA. |
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Daniel-E ROTH ; Robert-E BLACK ; Laura-E CAULFIELD ; EZZATI (Majid) : USA. Department of Population and International Health and Department of Environmental Health. Harvard School of Public Health. Boston. MA. ; GREENWOOD (Brian) : GBR. Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Keppel Street. London. ; PRAKASH MOHAN JEENA (.) : ZAF. Department of Paediatrics and Child Health. University of Kwazulu-Natal. Private bag X1. Congella Durban. ; Department of International Health. Johns Hopkins University. Bloomberg School of Public Health. Baltimore. MD. USA |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS 9rBR0xGp. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. La malnutrition et les infections aiguës des voies respiratoires inférieures (ALRI) sont des problèmes sanitaires interdépendants et imbriqués, qui affectent les [...]