Résumé :
[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS jHFU5R0x. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Unlike many health problems, there are few social and demographic characteristics that define risk groups for intimate partner violence. Poverty is the exception and increases risk through effects on conflict, women's power, and male Identity. Violence is used as a strategy in conflict. Relationships full of conflict, and especially those in which conflicts occur about finances, Jealousy, and women's gender role transgressions are more violent than peaceful relationships. Heavy alcohol consumption also Increases risk of violence. Women who are more empowered educationally, economically, and socially are most protected, but below this high level the relation between empowerment and risk of violence Is nonlinear. Violence Is frequently used to resolve a crisis of male Identity, at times caused by poverty or an inability to control women. Risk of violence is greatest in societies where the use of violence in many situations is a socially-accepted norm. Primary preventive interventions should focus on Improving the status of women and reducing norms of violence, poverty, and alcohol consumption.