Résumé :
[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST CIiR0xgA. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Objectives, This study sought to define, among secually transmined discase (STD) clinse atiendees, (1) parterns of sex pariner sciection, (2) relative risks for gonococcal or chlamydial infection associated with each mixing pattern, and (3) selected links and potential and actual bridge popultions Methods, Mixing matrices were computed based on characteristies of the study participants and their partders. Risk of infection was determined in study participants with various types of partners, and edds ratios were used to estimate relative risk of infection for discordant vs concordant partnerships edts. Partnerships discordant in terms of race/ethnicity, age, education, and number of parthers were associated with significant risk for gonorthea and chlamydial infection. In low-prevalerice subpopulations, within-subpopulation mixing was associated with chlainydial infection, and direct links with high-prevalence subpopulations were associsted with gonorthea. Conclusions. Mixing patterns influence the risk of specific infections, and they should be included in risk assessments for individuais and in the desige of screening, bealth education. and parther notification strategies for populations.