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Auteur Tanuja RASTOGI |
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Tanuja RASTOGI ; COOPER (Nicola) : GBR. Office for National Statistics. London. ; Susan DEVESA ; KAO (Roy) : USA. Alfred I duPont Hospital for Children. Wilmington. DE. ; MANGTANI (Punam) : GBR. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. London. ; MATHEW (Aleyamma) : IND. Regional Cancer Center. Trivandrum. ; SANKARANARAYANAN (Rengaswamy) / disc. : FRA. Screening Group. World Health Organization-International Agency for Research on Cancer. Lyon. ; Rashmi SINHA ; Division of Cancer Epidemiology & Genetics. (D.C.E.G.). National Cancer Institute. (N.C.I.). Nih. Dhhs. Rockville. MD. USA |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS R0xRWkJq. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Background : Data are limited regarding cancer incidence among Indians residing in different geographic regions around the world. Examining such rates may provide[...]![]()
Tanuja RASTOGI ; Alberto ASCHERIO ; A.V. BHARATHI ; SPIEGELMAN (Donna) : GBR. Department of Biostatistics. Harvard School of Public Health. London. ; SRINATH REDDY (K.) : IND. Department of Cardiology. All India Institute of Medical Sciences. ; Meir-J STAMPFER ; Mario VAZ ; WANNAMETHEE (Sgoya) / disc. : GBR. Department of Primary Care and Population Science. Royal Free and University College Medical School. London. ; Walter-C Willett ; Harvard School of Pubilc Health. Department of Epidemiology. London. GBR ; Harvard School of Public Health. Department of Nutrition. London. GBR ; St John's Medical College and Hospital. Division of Nutrition. London. GBR |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS oR0xvGLb. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Background : Physical exercise has been inversely associated with coronary heart disease (CHD) risk in Western populations ; however, the association has not been[...]