Résumé :
[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST 263sR0xX. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. The objective of this study was to assess : 1) the accuracy of a single self-report question about postmenopausal estrogen use ; and 2) the performance and repeated measures agreement of a standardized hormone use interview. Women (n=863) in the Postmenopausal Estrogen/Progestin Interventions Trial (PEPI) completed a self-report baseline questionnaire (BQ) at enrollment and a History of Hormone Use interview (HHU) at the 3-month follow-up visit (HHU3mos). A subsample of 101 women completed a second HHU interview 3 years later (HHU3yrs). As determined by the HHU3mos, 479 (56%) of women had ever used postmenopausal estrogen and 261 (30%) had ever used postmenopausal progestin. The mean number of years since last estrogen or progestin use was 2.2 and 1.3 years, respectively. Overall, there was 95% agreement between self-reported estrogen use on the BQ and the HHU3mos (kappa=0.91). Using the HHU3mos as the criterion standard, the BQ misclassified 2.3% of women as false positives and 6.3% as false negatives. The average duration of estrogen use in the false-negative classifications was 1.9 years (range : 1-9 years). On the HHU3mos, 39.7% of participants could not recall at least one of the specific details of estrogen use (preparation, dose, route, or starting or stopping year) ; similar patterns of recall were found for progestin use. Factors associated with discordant reporting of ever-use of ERT (BQ vs. (...)