Résumé :
[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST tJg6YR0x. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Objectives, We developed a simp lation model to predict the effects of policies aimed at redocing smoking initiation by youths younger than 18 years. Methods, The model projected the number of smokers, never smokers, and ex-smokers by age, sex, and racial edutie group and the effects of reductions in youth initiation. Results The model predicted that even if tobacco policies clinicated youth initiation, the number of smokers would not be halved for more than 30 years, If initiation were halved and some of the initiation were dclayed rather than eliminated, substantially smaller redictions would result, Conclusions, Polietes that increase cessation rates are needed to reduce the number of corrent smokers and the more near-term health problems.