Résumé :
[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS fZDR0xks. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Objectives. This study evaluated an intervention designed to improve behavioral and mental health outcomes among adolescents and their parents with AIDS. Methods. Parents with AIDS (n=307) and their adolescent children (n=412) were randomly as signed to an intensive intervention or a standard care control condition. Ninety-five percent of subjects were reassessed at least once annually over 2 years. Results. Adolescents in the intensive intervention condition reported significantly lower levels of emotional distress, of multiple problem behaviors, of conduct problems, and of family-related stressors and higher levels of self-esteem than adolescents in the standard care condition. Parents with AIDS in the intervention condition also reported significantly lower levels of emotional distress and multiple problem behaviors. Coping style, levels of disclosure regarding serostatus, and formation of legal custody plans were similar across intervention conditions. Conclusions. Interventions can reduce the long-term impact of parents'HIV status on themselves and their children.