Résumé :
[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST 7P3oR0x1. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. The 2000 census, with its option for respondents to mark 1 or more race categories, is the first US censes to recogize the multiethnic nature of all US populations but especially Asian Americans and Native Hawailans/Pacific Islanders. If Asian Americans and Native Hawailans/Pacific Islanders have for the most part been "invisible" in policy debates regarding such matters as health care and immigmtion, it has been largely because of a paucity of data stemming from the lack of disaggregated data on this heterogeneons group of peoples. Studies at all levels should adhere to these disaggregated classifications. Also, in addition to oversampling procedures, there should be greater regional/local funding for studies in regions where Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander papulations are substantial.