Résumé :
[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST jjdGnR0x. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Objectives. This study determined population-based rates of reported prostate cancer screening and assessed prostate cancer-related knowledge, attitudes, and screening practices among men in New York aged 50 years and older. Methods. Two telephone surveys were conducted. One was included in the 1994 and 1995 statewide Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System interviews, and the other was a community-level survey that targeted Black men (Affican-American Men Survey). Prevalence estimates were compated for each survey, and prostate cancer screening practices were assessed with logistie regression models. Results. Overall, fewer than 10% of the men in each survey pereeived their prostate cancer risk to be high, almost 20% perceived no risk of developing the disease. Approximstely 60% of the men in each survey reported ever having had a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test. In both surveys, physician advice was significantly associated with screening with a PSA test or a digital rectal examination, Also, race was significantly associated with screening in the statewide survey. Conclusions. Many New York men appear to be unaware of risk factors for prostate cancer. However, a substantial percentage reported having been screened for the disease ; physician advice may have been a major determining factor in their decision to be tested.