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Auteur Lenore ARAB |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (5)

Laurence-S FREEDMAN ; Information Management Systems, Inc (Rockville MD, Etats-Unis) ; John-M COMMINS ; James-E MOLER ; Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture (Beltsville MD, Etats-Unis) ; Lenore ARAB ; Biometry Research Group, National Cancer Institute (Bethesda MD, Etats-Unis) ; David-J BAER ; Division of Public Health Sciences, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (Seattle WA, Etats-Unis) ; Department of Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health (Boston MA, Etats-Unis) ; Victor KIPNIS ; Douglas MIDTHUNE ; Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health (Boston MA, Etats-Unis) ; Alanna-J MOSHFEGH ; Marian-L NEUHOUSER ; Ross-L PRENTICE ; Arthur SCHATZKIN ; Donna SPIEGELMAN ; Amy-F SUBAR ; Lesley-F TINKER ; Walter Willett |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS R0xsFoHC. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. We pooled data from 5 large validation studies of dietary self-report instruments that used recovery biomarkers as references to clarify the measurement propertie[...]![]()
Eliseo GUALLAR ; Lenore ARAB ; Peter BODE ; Jorge GOMEZ-ARACENA ; Fjavier JIMENEZ ; Jeremy-D KARK ; Frans-J KOK ; José-M MARTIN- MORENO ; Rudolph-A RIEMERSMA ; Pieter VAN'T VEER ; Euramic-Heavy Metals and Myocardial Infarction Study Group. INC ; Institute of Health Carlos 3. National School of Public Health. Madrid. ESP ; Wageningen University. Graduate School of Food Technology Agrobiotechnology Nutrition and Health Sciences. Division of Human Nutrition. Wageningen. NLD |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS x5p4R0xu. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Chromium intake may increase insulin sensitivity, glucose tolerance, and the ratio of high density lipoprotein cholesterol to low density lipoprotein cholesterol.[...]![]()
Joanne-M JORDAN ; Lenore ARAB ; Amy COHEN ; Neal CRAFT ; Anneclaire-J DE ROOS ; Charles-G HELMICK ; Marc-C HOCHBERG ; Gheorghe LUTA ; Jordan-B RENNER ; University of North Carolina. Schools of Medicine and Public Health. Thurston Arthritis Research Center. Chapel Hill. NC. USA |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS XJK19R0x. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Tocopherols are lipid-soluble antioxidants that may protect against some conditions of aging. The authors examined associations between radiographic knee osteoart[...]![]()
Howard-D SESSO ; Lenore ARAB ; Dora ILYASOVA ; I-Min LEE ; Yuko OGUMA ; Ralph-Sjr PAFFENBARGER ; Ulrike Peters ; Charles POOLE ; Div of Preventive Medicine. Department of Medicine. Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Boston. MA. USA |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS mfvabR0x. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Background : Epidemiological studies suggest that tea intake, a major dietary source of flavonoids, may be associated with a decreased risk of cardiovascular dise[...]![]()
[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS 8xjR0xab. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. This meta-analysis of tea consumption in relation to stroke, myocardial infarction, and all coronary heart disease is based on 10 cohort studies and seven case-co[...]