Résumé :
An aging population and extended longevity are increasing the number of older people needing informal and family support. At the same time, women, the traditional caregivers, have entered the work force in record numbers. Consequently, concerns about how to care for dependent family menbers have become workplace issues. In response to the needs of employees who care for family menbers, employers have produced an array of policies, benefits, and programs, including flexible work schedules and information and referral services. Although these programs are a valuable complement to community services and governments initiatives, relatevely few employers have recognized the potential effects of caregiving on absenteeism, productivity and turnover; even fewer have responded with workplace programs directed to the needs of their caregiving employees. To fill the gap, the government is considering mandating employee benefits, such as leave time for family illness. Community services are increasingly being directed to the needs of older people and their caregivers. (R.A.)