Détail de l'auteur
Auteur ROSE (Richard) : GBR. Centre for the Study of Public Policy. University of Strathclyde. Glasgow Scotland. |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (1)

Anna GILMORE ; HAERPFER (Christian-W) : ATR. Institute for Advanced Studies. Vienna. ; Martin McKee ; Joceline POMERLEAU ; ROSE (Richard) : GBR. Centre for the Study of Public Policy. University of Strathclyde. Glasgow Scotland. ; ROTMAN (David) : BLR. Center of Sociological and Political Studies. Belarus State University. Minsk. ; TUMANOV (Sergej) : RUS. Centre for Sociological Studies. Moscow State University. Moscow. |[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST-CNRS 4hc2R0xp. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. OBJECTIVES : We sought to provide comparative data on smoking habits in countries of the former Soviet Union. METHODS : We conducted cross-sectional surveys in 8 [...]