Titre :
Multidisciplinary research for the improvement of health. Using operational research modelling to improve the provision of health services : the case of DNA technology. (1995)
Auteurs :
Peter BURNEY, éd. ;
Robert WOOD, éd. ;
Umds. Dep public health medicine. London. GBR ;
Umds. Dep public health medicine. St Thomas s hosp London. GBR
Type de document :
Dans :
International journal of epidemiology (vol. 24, 1995)
Pagination :
Mots-clés :
Service soins & consultation
Résumé :
[BDSP. Notice produite par INIST 6LOLR0xy. Diffusion soumise à autorisation]. Operational research (OR) analysis provides information and systems to support decision making. In health care there are examples of OR being used to support decisions surrounding both the organization of health services and the treatment of individual patients. However, its uptake is currently low in spite of the increase in potential areas of application. In practice there is a lack of awareness amongst health service staff about what OR is and how it can help. This paper addresses this issue by exposing the contribution that OR made to a programme of research relating to DNA technology. Examples are given of the way it was used to provide information on the costs and outcomes of services and the ways these evolve over time. These examples demonstrate the way OR methods increase the understanding of both analysts and service providers about a problem area. This helps ensure that appropriate and valid approaches to tackling problem areas are developed. When developing these approaches, the problem orientated philosophy of OR means analysts are willing to use a range of methodologies, some originating in OR and some in other disciplines. The broad focus of OR also means that its findings enhance those provided by other disciplines which might seem to be competitors. The conclusion of the paper is that OR has a crucial role to play in the improvement of health services.